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Apple and PC Zero Interest Payroll Deduction Plan


Faculty and permanent staff who are past their probation period will be able to make a purchase on payroll deduction from the Wildcat Shop for any computer, laptop, or tablet. The total purchase must be from $500 to $4000, with a term up to 24 months.

Here are a few things to keep in mind on the purchase:

  • You can include warranty protection, software, and any electronic incidentals needed for the products.
  • There can only be one payroll deduction open with the store at a time per each faculty or staff account.
  • Based on the number of months there will be a $0.34003 cent charge per original months on the payroll deduction contract, which will amount to a maximum of $8.16.
  • Plan on at least a half hour to complete the transaction
  • We can only do the transactions once we have confirmed your status with payroll, and we can only do that from 8am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday when their office is open. We will not be able to confirm information after 5 pm or on weekends.
  • CatTech can special order a computer/laptop if we do not have what you need in stock.

If you meet the requirements listed above and are employed at one of the centers please contact the CatTech Manager, Mary Rill at, and she will work with you on getting the process started. Questions? Call CatTech at (509)963-1377

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