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Business Communication
Mcgraw-hill Companies
M: Business Communication has become the most technologically current and pedagogically effective product on the market, and is written by the authors of Lesikar’s Business Communication: Making Connections in a Digital World.
Its focus on the essentials required of today’s digital workplace make it easy for instructors to cover all materials presented within the semester, and its student-centered design and study resources ensure success.
Paired with Connect Business Communication; M: Business Communication contains the tools needed to navigate through the fast-paced and ever-changing field effectively and efficiently.
Its focus on the essentials required of today’s digital workplace make it easy for instructors to cover all materials presented within the semester, and its student-centered design and study resources ensure success.
Paired with Connect Business Communication; M: Business Communication contains the tools needed to navigate through the fast-paced and ever-changing field effectively and efficiently.
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